2020 Social media image sizes
August 30, 2019

Therefore, users need to come by to that specific content that will stop them scrolling and this is best done through a good visual representation of your brand.
Anyhow, during the process of creating visual content, it has always been a struggle getting the right sizes for each platform so that the specific visual can look good.
In this article, we will share with you the right image sizes for some of the most used social media platforms.
1. Image sizes on Facebook
Facebook has a variety of images that can be used therefore the dimensions vary as well.
If you want to optimize your content on Facebook, check out the newest image dimensions for 2020:
Profile picture: 180 x 180
Cover photo: 820 x 312
Image post: 1200 x 900
Video post: 1280 x 7230
Story image: 1080 x 1920
Link image size: 1200 x 628
Event image: 1920 x 1080
2. Image sizes on Instagram
Since Instagram is all about posting visual content such photos and videos, knowing the right image sizes is crucial.
Profile picture: 180 x 180
Feed image (square): 1080 x 1080
Feed image (landscape): 1080 x 566
Feed image (portrait): 1080 x 1350
Video post (square): 600 x 600
Video post (landscape): 600 x 315
Video post (portrait): 600 x 750
Story image: 1080 x 1920
3. Image sizes on Twitter
Twitter on the other hand is all about tweets and 280 characters texts. However Twitter allows us to post photos or videos in order to personalize even more our tweets. Therefore, the right sizes are important as well.
Profile picture: 150 x 150
Header: 1500 x 500
Video post (square): 720 x 720
Video post (landscape): 1280 x 720
4. Image sizes on LinkedIn
In order to give your personal profile or your business page a professional look, you have to create a visual content as well. This is why it’s important to know the right image sizes for LinkedIn.
Personal profile:
Profile picture: 400 x 400
Background photo: 1584 x 396
Business page:
Logo: 300 x 300
Cover photo: 1536 x 768
Sponsored content image: 1200 x 628
Video post (maximum): 4096 x 2304
Image (square): 1200 x 1200
5. Image sizes on YouTube
Last but not least, we all know that YouTube is all about visuals. Here are the 2020 sizes to optimize your content.
Profile picture: 800 x 800
Channel art: 2560 x 1440
Video thumbnail image: 1280 x 720
Source: EinsteinMarketer